Bruxism is a dental term for teeth clenching or grinding. During an examination at our office, our dentists may recognize your teeth show signs of bruxism. Many people who suffer from bruxism are unaware of the condition because it occurs while they sleep. Common signs of nighttime clenching and grinding include:

  • Awakening with a tired or tight feeling in the jaw
  • Frequent tension headaches
  • Excessive tooth wear leading to chipped, flattened or cracked teeth
  • Extremely worn tooth enamel exposing the inner layers of the tooth
  • Indentations on the side of the tongue
  • Increased tooth sensitivity

If our dentists and team at All Stahr Dental PSC suspect that you suffer from bruxism, we may recommend an occlusal guard to protect your jaw and teeth while you sleep. Contact Dr. Gregory Stahr and Dr. Jeffrey Stahr to learn more about occlusal night guards in Lexington, Kentucky.